Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Jesus told stories or what are called parables to explain what He was teaching. He once told a parable that went something like this. There was once a sower who sowed seed. Some of the seed fell on the road side and did not take root. Some of the seed fell on shallow ground and grew for a while then died. Some of the seed fell among thorns and was choked by them. Then there was the seed that fell on good ground took root and bore much good fruit.

He explained that the seed was the word of God. Some people hear the word of God but they do not listen. Some people hear and obey the word of God for a little while but soon forget about it. Some people hear the word of God but the bad habits of others soon destroy all the good in them. And finally there are the good people who hear the word of God and keep it and bear much good fruit.

I love to hear the things Jesus said. The following poem is called words of God.

J. A. Fullerton

I love to hear the words of God
And He said many things
Everything He said is true
And these words to me brings –
The knowledge that if I listen
To these many words that glisten
I will be very wise in decisions that I make
And have peace of mind too
In all the risks that I take.
Love your God above all else
Are the most important words of all
And if you love your neighbour too
You will seldom have a fall.
“I will destroy this temple
And in three days build it up”
Our Lord said before he died
He gave his life for all of us,
This makes me walk with pride.
“Heaven and earth will fade away
But my word will never fade”
I once heard these words that Jesus said
And in my mind they’ve stayed.


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