Saturday, February 11, 2006


During His lifetime Our Blessed Lord suffered much and even today is much offerended by the sins of the world.
If some people realised just how much Our Blessed Lord suffered for us they might be willing to change their ways.

God is very just and nobody has had to suffer more than God Himself. He just asks us to carry our own cross and have faith in Him.

When on earth He had an intelligence far above anybody else. He had a presence which made a lot of people jealous and caused then to say and do weird things which affected Him greatly. He was hounded from the time of His birth by people like King Herod who saw Him as a threat and wanted Him dead. He had come to do a job for His Father and the Devil was constantly trying to prevent Him from carrying out His mission. His final mission, that of a sinless man to die on a cross for the sins of others.

I have called the following poem THE MAN OF SORROWS.

J. A. Fullerton

Who touched me? Our Blessed Lord did say
When down here on earth when he passed by on his way
Everybody wanted something from this divine and great man
He was so much above others few could really understand.

His feelings were very human like everyone else
But he thought more about others and less about himself
He had the perfect heart with so much to give
He taught everyone He met about how they should live.

When He cured ten people from an illness sublime
Only one returned to say thanks, He said “where are the other nine?”
And after all he did he was ‘turned in’ by one of his own
By someone it would have been better if he never had known.

At Calvary, when he stumbled and fell many spat and jeered
Only Saint Veronica offered a cloth to wipe the blood from his beard
And all of the saints gave up their todays and tomorrows
To follow this one man this great man of sorrows.


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