Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Recently Pope Benedict XVI announced his first encyclical - GOD IS LOVE.

He stated there is a great deal of confusion in the world today of what is the real meaning of love. First he states that the first meaning of love is a term he refers to as 'eros'- that love shared between man and woman. He says that we have to be careful this form of love is not degraded into commodity sex and loses its original dignity.

The other meaning of love he refers to as 'agape' love which refers to the love we have for one another as commanded by Our Blessed Lord.

Pope Benedict states that eros and agape love must not be separated from each other. When eros and agape love are in harmony with each other the purist form of love is expressed.

The pope goes on to say the greatest act of love was that of Jesus dying on the cross for the salvation of mankind. He says Jesus has left us the blessed eucharist as a way of participating in this act of love. In participating in the eucharist we become one body united with Christ.

The following is a poem called GOD IS LOVE.

J. A. Fullerton

The first encyclical of pope Benedict the sixteenth has been announced
God is love he did pronounce
The term love is one of the most used and abused in the world today
I’ll tell you what real love is he did say

The first meaning of love is eros between woman and man
We then move to the term agape and to oblate love we do expand
With eros we need discipline, purification and maturity to be our guide
Otherwise it will be degraded to sex as a commodity and love won’t abide

Eros and agape love must not be separated from each other
They will work in harmony if we really love one another
In Jesus Christ we find this way to living
His dying on the cross was the greatest act of giving

And Jesus has left us the eucharist to participate in His act of giving
If we don’t eat His flesh and drink His blood we aren’t really living
In the eucharist love of God and for one another together are fused
We become a single body and love isn’t abused


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