Much of this site has to do with bringing about world peace.
Sure there have been tribal wars and wars of all kinds since the beginning of time. However the mind of man has never been as developed as it is today. Our own commonsense tells us that if go out and drop bombs on somebody we just incite them to drop bombs back on us. There are no winners anymore.
The Virgin Mary has told us the way to bring about peace in the world. In her message at Fatima she said that prayer and penance are a greater force than bullets and armies. The will of God always prevails in the end. For instance if we see a colour as Red and God says the colour is white then believe me, the colour must be white not red. It just takes us a while to realise the colour is white after all. God sees the truth, we aways don't.
In the eyes of God prayer and penance are a way of bringing about world peace. A very special prayer that has been given to us is the most holy rosary. There are many websites on the rosary that explain the prayer.
In the year of fifteen seventy-one a great battle was won by christian forces at Lepanto.Prayer, by saying the holy rosary played a vital role in the victory. The following is a poem about the victory.
J. A. Fullerton
In the year of fifteen seventy-three
The Dominican Order approached the Holy See
For they had a request to make
That the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary be celebrated on a certain date
For the Dominicans had not forgotten the help received
From the Virgin Mary when the Church was much in need
A great victory had been won
On October the seventh, fifteen seventy-one
At the battle of Lepanto of that year
Don Juan of Austria showed no fear
For he had a weapon of such great force
The Holy Rosary I mean of course
And we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary today
On October the seventh, the most Holy Rosary we all pray
For Our Heavenly Mother will never forget our plight
So pray the Rosary and you’ll be alright
J. A. Fullerton
In the year of fifteen seventy-three
The Dominican Order approached the Holy See
For they had a request to make
That the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary be celebrated on a certain date
For the Dominicans had not forgotten the help received
From the Virgin Mary when the Church was much in need
A great victory had been won
On October the seventh, fifteen seventy-one
At the battle of Lepanto of that year
Don Juan of Austria showed no fear
For he had a weapon of such great force
The Holy Rosary I mean of course
And we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary today
On October the seventh, the most Holy Rosary we all pray
For Our Heavenly Mother will never forget our plight
So pray the Rosary and you’ll be alright
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