Saturday, January 21, 2006


Probably the greatest trick the devil has ever pulled is to convince people that he doesn't exist - that there is no such thing as sin. At Fatima Our Heavenly Mother gave the three children a vision of hell. They were horrified. Our Blessed Lady said many poor souls were going there.

The three children asked our Heavenly Mother what sins offend Our Blessed Lord. She answered He was offended by all sin. She went on to say the sins He was offended by most frequently were sins of impurity and a lack of humility.

God gives us every chance to repent. People who end up in hell choose to go there. Our Blessed Lord is very just. He has left us the sacrament of confession. We should use this sacrament as freqently as possible.

I have written the following poem which I have called the sacred hands.

J. A. Fullerton

As a child I closed my hands
And only My Father above understands
I need so much His guidance and love
For My will is that of My Father’s above.

My Mother Mary said Son it’s time
My beloved Son please change this water to wine
I place My two hands in response to My Mother’s plea –
Over the water, She has so much faith in Me
For She knows I have the power of My Father above
And She also knows I know nothing but love.

It’s finally arrived, the Friday I die
I raise My eyes to My Father on high
My arms are out-stretched and nails driven in
Into My hands all for the sake of mans’ sin.
The cross is raised and My hands hold My weight
All of the pain I’m not sure I can take.

It’s now quite some time since I rose from the dead
Look at these hands you can see how they bled
And these hands still ache where the nails went in
Each time mankind commits the tiniest sin.


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