Sunday, February 05, 2006


As I have mentioned earlier Saint Therese of Lisieux is my favourite saint. During her short life she endured much suffering. She welcomed suffering and to do this one would have to be a saint. She saw it as a chance to win souls for God. She longed to be a missionary and preach the word of God in foreign lands and to place the cross of Christ on every shore. However, because of her sickness she was unable to do so.

The relics of Saint Therese (pictured above) are currently circulating the globe.

Before her death she said she would spend her heaven doing good on earth. She is patron of Catholic missions throughout the world.

At Fatima Our Blessed Lady said that during the last fifty years of the last century the church and the pope would have much to suffer. And during the last fifty years many priests and religious became rebellious and left their vocation in droves. This was of great concern to the Holy Father. Also pope John Paul II was shot and almost killed. Pope John Paul made great strides in stemming the flow of religious leaving the church.

It appears now that the tide has turned and people are once again considering a religious vocation. Saint Therese said that within the church she would be love. She said she would send down from heaven a shower of roses. The following poem is called 'a shower of roses.'

J. A. Fullerton
I 'll spend my heaven doing good on earth
I was close to God from my birth
Now up in heaven I look down on you
The Catholic Church I love through and through.

The ‘little flower’ is how I am known
And while on earth my love was sown
For the triumph of God’s church
And I’ve come to the end of my search.

I’ve found many souls to carry God’s cross
No longer will the church be at a loss
I’m sending them all in a shower from above
And I’m sending them down with all my love.


At 6:04 AM, Blogger PeterJFullerton said...

To Dad,

Congratulations on a great site. It looking amazing and detailed. I can see by the number of views that your site is attracting considerable attention showing that faith is still quite strong among the people of the world. I can see a lot more attention coming.

Love Peter


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