Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Saint Mary Magdalen lived at the time of Jesus. Jesus when on his way confronted a crowd who were about to stone a woman to death for being a prostitute. The woman was Mary Magdalen. The crowd told Jesus that Mary was a sinner. He realised that everyone in the crowd were sinnners and said "He without sin cast the first stone." They all realised that they too were sinnners and were unable to cast any stones. Jesus knew the sins of each person and began writing their sins in the dirt. The crowd quickly left.

Mary was very grateful for what Jesus had done for her. Jesus said to her "Your sins are forgiven, go away and sin no more." Mary became a close follower of Jesus. She was one of His few followers who were brave enough to be at the foot of the cross when He was crucified. And she was the first person whom Jesus appeared to after He rose from the dead. She followed Jesus wherever He went and people continually remined Him who she was. Jesus always had an answer and always defended her.

Mary is a prime example of - 'with God's help one can change their ways.'

The following is a poem about Saint Mary Magdalen.

Saint Mary Magdalen
J. A. Fullerton

He without sin can cast the first stone
But from your heart make sure it’s thrown
For I know that no one here
Can cast the stone without any fear.

Come now Mary they have gone away
Come sit beside me and we both shall pray
All your sins are forgiven you
Go away now and to God be true.

As I sit around with friends
Mary enters and me she befriends
Do you not know who she is they say
She should be kept well at bay.
Look with her tears she washes my feet
And with her hair she dries them
This you cannot beat.

Now I’m’ on my way and carrying my cross
Why the crowd should spit and laugh I’m at a loss
Then I look up and see Mary’s eyes
The sorrow in them is no surprise.

It’s now not long since I rose from the dead
I appeared first to Mary it has been said
And they were right and now we’re both above
Because one thing I was always sure of
Was Mary’s love.


The catholic church teaches that sex is a sacred act and should only take place between two married people, husband and wife. Catholic priests and nuns take the vow of chastity. This is essential for a single person to lead a holy life.

In todays world a lot of people don't regard the sex act as sacred and degrade it and themselves in the process.

Two great saints who regarded the sex act as being sacred were Saint Lucy and Saint Maria Goretti. We need saints such as these to show us the way.

There are a lot of different stories about saint Lucy. She lived a long time ago and as the story goes she is said to have had very beautiful eyes. She wanted to give her life to God and remain a virgin and become holy in the process. A nobleman wanted to marry her but she refused. Because of her rejection of him, he had her thrown into prison and had her eyes cut out. Her feast is celebrated by the church each year on Decemember 13.

More is known about Saint Maria Goretti. She died in 1902 at the age of twelve. A youth in the town where she lived made advances towards her. She was a very religious girl and refused the youth. The youth became angry and stabbed her several times. She died a couple of days later. On her deathbed she forgave the youth. Her feastday is celebrated on July 6.

Young people today have many people who have achieved great feats to emulate. People such as tennis stars, football stars, cricketers and the like. Pope John Paul II cannonised nearly three hundred people saints for us to follow. As I have said before catholic saints a holy people who have led extraordinary lives.

The following are poems about Saint Lucy and Saint Maria Goretti.

J. A. Fullerton

From Bethlehem to Calvary Our Blessed Lord did suffer
From insults and accusations that many of His time did mutter
And all the saints that followed did walk a similar path
For many of their time would curse them
Or look at them and laugh.
And Saint Lucy like the rest was no exception to the rule
For she too was accused by so many of being nothing but a fool
For she was determined to give herself to God
And remain a virgin all her life
But so many did seek her hand
And wanted her to be their wife.
And one rejected suitor did not take the rejection all too well
And gouged out Lucy’s eyes for there was no wedding bell.
And Saint Lucy is an example for all of us today
To remain pure and chaste like her
Until our spouse ‘I do’ we do say.

J. A. Fullerton

Maria’s father died when she was very young
And her mother had to work hard till all was done
In the year of nineteen hundred and two
Maria’s very short life was almost through
At the tender age of just twelve years old
An eighteen-year-old youth became more than bold
Her innocence he did try and take away
But to him she said, “I’d sooner die any day”
He stabbed and mortally wounded her with a knife
And two days later she lost her life

Alexander the youth was unrepentant until he had a dream
He was in a garden down by a steam
He saw Maria walk up to him
And with a bunch of flowers his soul she did win
In 1950 Maria was canonized a saint
In the crowd at St. Peter’s that day Alexander did wait
For with her death Maria’s forgiveness didn’t end
Far beyond it did extend
Maria is a model of purity for all youth today
We need witnesses like her to show us the way.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


So far I have spoken a lot about Mary. This in no way undermines Jesus. A common saying is 'to Jesus through Mary.' I do not worship Mary I honour her. Mary is God's mother. Jesus is the only son of God.

I believe that Jesus has said something like "He who sincerely seeks the truth shall find it." I am forever grateful to Jesus for showing me the way. The following poem is called 'Forever Grateful'.

J. A. Fullerton

I’m forever grateful to our God
First because he created me
And gave me the wisdom to see
That Jesus is God’s only Son
And with the Father and Spirit they are one.
Next because He died for me
And suffered so much agony
He showed me too that the Catholic Church is the way
Where the Pope should have all the say.
I’m grateful, too, that he is my best friend
And will stay with me until the end.


How many mothers does each person have? Did you know we each have two mothers. First we have the mother who gave us birth. Then we have our heavenly mother. For when dying on the cross Jesus said to Saint John at the foot of the cross. "Son behold your mother." And to His mother Mary He said "woman behold your son." In this way Jesus gave us His mother to be our mother. This is the teaching of the catholic church. Mary does not take her job as mother to all mankind lightly. She is very concerned about her children.

Mary is therefore somebody we all have in common.

So each mother's day I have two card and gifts to buy. One for my earthly mother and another for my heavenly mother. The following poem is about mother's day.

J. A. Fullerton

It’s the second Sunday in May
And its time again for Mothers’ day
A time to repay all the love received
From two mothers, two mothers indeed.

First we have our mother who gave us birth
Fed and clothed us and saw us through times of the worst
A mother who cared more than the rest
One who survived the toughest test.

Its time here to say Mum, thanks so much
When I was helpless you were my crutch
Sorry for any hurt I’ve caused
Before I acted I should have paused.

And we must also thank Mary our Heavenly Mother
Mother of God and of one another
For Jesus from the cross did say
‘Mary will be the mother of all from this day’.

So thanks so much Mary for all you’ve done
Thanks for all the sufferings you bore along with Your Son
Its something we will never be able to repay
So Mary our Mother have a great Mother’s day.


At Fatima in 1917 the Virgin Mary appeared to three children. She had a message to give to the world. The message was to do with the end of the first world war, another greater war to follow, the rise and fall of communism in Russia and the triumph of her immaculate heart. Nobody could see the beautiful lady except the three children. People told the three children to ask the lady who she was. She said she was from God and that she was 'the lady of the rosary.' The following is a poem about Our lady of the rosary.

J. A. Fullerton

I appear to you three children here on earth today
To show everyone in the world the way
I ask you all from my heart
To turn back to God and make a new start.

I appear to you three children as I know
Your love for God is not just for show
Remember Jesus once said“ little children come to me”
So I have appeared to you three.

You must tell the world what I have to say
And that is tell them to say the Rosary each day
For prayer and penance are a much greater force
Than bullets and armies I must enforce.

If people do as I ask
Peace in the world will come at last
The Lady of the Rosary is my name
My Heart and Jesus are one and the same.


Much of this site has to do with bringing about world peace.

Sure there have been tribal wars and wars of all kinds since the beginning of time. However the mind of man has never been as developed as it is today. Our own commonsense tells us that if go out and drop bombs on somebody we just incite them to drop bombs back on us. There are no winners anymore.

The Virgin Mary has told us the way to bring about peace in the world. In her message at Fatima she said that prayer and penance are a greater force than bullets and armies. The will of God always prevails in the end. For instance if we see a colour as Red and God says the colour is white then believe me, the colour must be white not red. It just takes us a while to realise the colour is white after all. God sees the truth, we aways don't.

In the eyes of God prayer and penance are a way of bringing about world peace. A very special prayer that has been given to us is the most holy rosary. There are many websites on the rosary that explain the prayer.

In the year of fifteen seventy-one a great battle was won by christian forces at Lepanto.Prayer, by saying the holy rosary played a vital role in the victory. The following is a poem about the victory.

J. A. Fullerton

In the year of fifteen seventy-three
The Dominican Order approached the Holy See
For they had a request to make
That the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary be celebrated on a certain date

For the Dominicans had not forgotten the help received
From the Virgin Mary when the Church was much in need
A great victory had been won
On October the seventh, fifteen seventy-one

At the battle of Lepanto of that year
Don Juan of Austria showed no fear
For he had a weapon of such great force
The Holy Rosary I mean of course

And we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary today
On October the seventh, the most Holy Rosary we all pray
For Our Heavenly Mother will never forget our plight
So pray the Rosary and you’ll be alright


Like many people I am a great admirer of Pope John Paul II. He was the pope for his time. Coming out of communist Poland he was responsible more than anyone for the downfall of Godless communism. He was well aware of the importance of the Virgin Mary. He attributes his survival after being shot in 1981 to the Virgin Mary. He said it was Our Lady's hand that steered the bullet away from killing him.

Nobody has done more to bring about world peace than Pope John Paul II. His death united the world for a while.

Pope John Paul II gave many messages during his 25 year reign as pope. He said that if we want peace we must place a high value on human life. The following poem is about this message.

J. A. Fullerton

In a world day of peace message by Pope John Paul II
He placed a high value on life for me and you
It is not possible to invoke peace and despise life he did say
So if we want world peace
We must follow Pope John Paul all the way
‘The culture of death’ so prevalent in world today
Must be put aside and let Pope John Paul have much more say
Abortion, euthanasia, and use of the pill
Must be abandoned and this will instill
A high value on life, the wish of the Holy Father in Rome
And peace on earth and peace in our home
So please listen to Pope John Paul-
The voice of Our Lord
And peace will come to our land
And all countries abroad.

Sunday, January 22, 2006


I have faith that science is correct with its theory on evolution. I believe we came from the apes. This theory does not contradict the bible. Adam and Eve may well have been the stage at which God gave the two apes who would develop into modern man a soul.

It is natural therefore for a man to have a desire to be with a woman. However it is a desire that unmarried people must overcome if they wish to follow the church's teaching. Jesus is the new Adam and Mary the new Eve. People are no longer apes. With evolution they have developed a higher intelligence.

If we wish to gain the benefits of the new Adam and Eve we must therefore lead a higher form of life and follow the church's teaching of abstaining from sex before marriage. Chastity is a great virtue and has many rewards.

I belong to a group called TRUE LOVE WAITS. The following is a poem called 'wait a while'.

J. A. Fullerton

The Son of God was of a Virgin Birth
He was so pure and knew his worth
His mother Mary did God’s will
And the scriptures she did fulfill.

The law of God has been written for all to heed
We must listen to God’s word, yes indeed
The Church is God’s guide to his word
You can’t do as you like, that’s absurd.

And the Church teaches to marry first
Before we quench our sexual thirst
For the road to heaven is narrow and steep
And remember we are all the good shepherd’s sheep.

And the good shepherd is waiting after sounding his call
To pick up stray sheep who have taken a fall
So listen to the master’s voice within his Church
And you will find the happiness for which you do search.


During his reign as pope, John Paul II named Mary as co-redeemer in the salvation of mankind. This shows the enormous importance the Catholic Church places on Mary's role in God's plan. At Fatima Mary said Her Immaculate heart would triumph. She has the perfect heart and suffered along with Jesus at Calvary. The following poem explains the importance of Mary in the life of Jesus.

J. A. Fullerton

The soldiers come that Thursday night
Mary knows they have little sense of shame
She falls to her knees, looks up above
And with each breath she calls out your name.

Do you want Barabbas or this man? they call out
And Mary’s hopes begin to wane
Give us Barabbas they shout out loud
And with each breath Mary calls out your name.

You walk the way with your cross
You stumble and fall in lots of pain
Mary appears from the crowd
And with each breath she calls out your name.

You hang there on the cross
Mary stands beneath with little sense of fear
The only sound that can be heard
Is the falling of each tear.

Mary now lies on her deathbed
Things were never again quite the same
She reaches up to you above
And with each breath she calls out your name.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


My favourite saint is Saint Therese of lisieux. Saint Therese was a French carmelite nun who died on September 30th 1897 at the age of 24. She was canonised in 1925.

I think she is a great hero for people today. Today everyone wants to be number one. Saint Therese was the greatest example of humility that I have ever heard. And remember what Our Heavenly Mother told the three children at Fatima - that one of the sins that Our Blessed Lord is most frequently offended by is a lack of humility. She was so humble that another nun from the convent where she lived commented, "she wasn't even a good nun." Yet she became a saint.

During her life she endured much suffering. She saw suffering as a blessing and a chance to please God by offering up all her sufferings for the glory of God. She said she would spend her heaven doing good on earth. She is patron of Catholic missions.

I have written a number of poems about Saint Therese. One follows:

J. A. Fullerton

Jesus, who in thy bitter passion
Did’st become the reproach of men
And the man of many sorrows
I loved you first when I was born my God
I love you today and all of all tomorrows
I love you Oh my God
And I love you above all things
You are infinitely worthy of all my love
For you are the King of Kings.

To suffer for you Oh my God
Has been such a blessing
And I suffered for your own sake
I now spend my heaven here on earth
And in the missions have a massive stake
For the planting of the cross on every shore
Has always been my goal
For every time I suffered
I hoped to win a soul.


Probably the greatest trick the devil has ever pulled is to convince people that he doesn't exist - that there is no such thing as sin. At Fatima Our Heavenly Mother gave the three children a vision of hell. They were horrified. Our Blessed Lady said many poor souls were going there.

The three children asked our Heavenly Mother what sins offend Our Blessed Lord. She answered He was offended by all sin. She went on to say the sins He was offended by most frequently were sins of impurity and a lack of humility.

God gives us every chance to repent. People who end up in hell choose to go there. Our Blessed Lord is very just. He has left us the sacrament of confession. We should use this sacrament as freqently as possible.

I have written the following poem which I have called the sacred hands.

J. A. Fullerton

As a child I closed my hands
And only My Father above understands
I need so much His guidance and love
For My will is that of My Father’s above.

My Mother Mary said Son it’s time
My beloved Son please change this water to wine
I place My two hands in response to My Mother’s plea –
Over the water, She has so much faith in Me
For She knows I have the power of My Father above
And She also knows I know nothing but love.

It’s finally arrived, the Friday I die
I raise My eyes to My Father on high
My arms are out-stretched and nails driven in
Into My hands all for the sake of mans’ sin.
The cross is raised and My hands hold My weight
All of the pain I’m not sure I can take.

It’s now quite some time since I rose from the dead
Look at these hands you can see how they bled
And these hands still ache where the nails went in
Each time mankind commits the tiniest sin.


As mentioned earlier, I am a great believer in the apparations of Our Heavenly Mother at Fatima in 1917. I think only two apparations of the Virgin Mary have been given approval by the Catholic Church. These two are Lourdes and Fatima. At Fatima Our Heavenly Mother appeared to three children. She told the children that the first world war would soon end, there would be a second world war, that Russia would turn against God and become a great power in the world but would eventually fall. In the end she said her Immaculate Heart would triumph and there would be a period of peace in the world. To bring this about she asked people to pray, especially by saying the holy Rosary and do penance.

There has been a great deal of talk about a third secret that Our Blessed Lady told the three children. Part of the third secret I believe was that prayer and penance are a much greater force than bullets and armies.

At Fatima the Virgin Mary said "I am the Lady of the Rosary."

There has for many years been three mysteries of the holy Rosary. The joyful, sorrowful and glorious mysteries. In recent years Pope John Paul II added a fourth mystery - the mysteries of light.

Following is a poem which I have called the mysteries of light.
J. A. Fullerton

In the year of nineteen-seventeen
At Fatima Our Heavenly Mother was seen
She had a message for us all
We all should listen and heed her call.

I am the ‘Lady of the Rosary’ she did say
She said the most Holy Rosary we all should pray
She said prayer and penance were a much greater force
Than bullets and armies you know of course

We can bring about world peace through penance and prayer
And then no one can say God isn’t fair
And who has more of our interests at heart
Than Our Heavenly Mother who has shown us the right path

And the mysteries of light can show us the way
The light from Jesus can light up our day
So pray the Rosary often and you will find
Peace in your heart and bring peace to mankind.

In the End my immaculate heart will triumph

Thursday, January 19, 2006


Hi Everyone, Welcome to my site.

I am a writer of religious poetry. Very catholic and very traditional poetry. I have made a couple of attempts to have it published in book form but so far have been unsuccessful. I hope you like the poems that I put on this site. All of my poems express my relationship with God, our Heavenly Mother and the saints.

I have entitled my site RELIGION TO THE PEOPLE. The quote that communism used was 'power to the people'. Communism wanted to cut God out of society. That is the reason it failed. Without God nothing can exist. I wish God to have all the power. His holiness Pope Benedict XVI has stated. "For mankind to be great God must be great."

I am a great believer in the apparitions of Our Heavenly Mother at Fatima in 1917 and the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart leading to world peace.

Because of the importance I place on Mary, I have started my poems with one about Mary which I have called MY MOTHERS FACE.

J. A. Fullerton

In a stable at Bethlehem I was born
With the breath of sheep and cattle to keep me warm
The first thing I felt was My mother’s embrace
Then I looked up and saw My mother’s face.

That gaze of love I knew throughout the years
In times of joy and in times of tears
I would run to her as a little boy
Then look at her face and see her joy.

When lost in the temple as child twelve years old
She looked at me and thought I was bold
I was about My Father’s business and no disgrace
But you don’t know how glad I was to see My mother’s face.

On the road to Calvary the crowd spat and jeered
I’d fall and they’d laugh, I thought how weird
It was a journey I could not have completed in any case
Without the courage I received from seeing My mother’s face.

Now I’m on the cross and My life complete
They have just hammered the last nail into My feet
I died on a cross and saved the human race
The last thing I saw were tears streaming down My mother’s face.