Monday, December 10, 2018


J. A. Fullerton
They will destroy this temple
And in three days I will build it up
For I am willing to drink this cup
My Father's will must be done
For I am Christ His only Son
I have come down from above
To show mankind My Father's love
I have come that man might live
Upon a cross My life I give
On Easter Sunday morn I rose
From the dead, the third day I chose
They destroyed the temple just as I said
My body was the temple that rose from the dead
Now all mankind has been set free
The gates of heaven have been opened by me
So follow the way of My church
And the gates of heaven you will find
In your search.

Monday, November 12, 2018


J. A. Fullerton
God the Father I do love you
All glory and honour belongs to you
My God you have always been
Long before the world was seen
You created everything
You are much more than a king
You created satan and he did rebel
Then you sent him straight to hell
It must have really really broken your heart
When he became a little upstart
Aways see I keep my place
And please always keep me chaste
For Adam committed the very first sin
Then into heaven none of us could get in
Oh how I love you Father dear
For you I could shed a tear.

Thursday, April 28, 2016


J. A. Fullerton
Saint Monica was married but not very happy
For her husband was violent and often very snappy
Her habit of prayer would make him see red
But by her sweetness and patience to God he was led.
Among the wives and mothers of her own native town
She exercised great influence on those troubled and housebound
For they knew she suffered in all like they did
And by her word and example for their soul she made a bid.
Saint Monica gave birth to three children as well
And her hardest task was stopping the eldest from going to hell
For Augustine was wayward and fell into grievous sin
But by the loving care of a mother his soul she did win.
A holy bishop told Monica to allay all her fears
"For no child shall perish after all of those tears"
And Augustine was turned from a life that was taint
To become a priest then a bishop and finally a great saint.

Sunday, December 06, 2015


Everyone of us has a cross to bear in life. The heaviest cross anyone has ever had to bear was Our Blessed Lord. His mission on earth was the salvation of mankind. The purpose of his life was death on a cross as this was His Father's way by which mankind was to be saved. Nobody else has ever had so much suffering to endure when others tried to crush His spirit.
There are many things in life people don't like and causes them much suffering. Jesus realized this and He just asks us to bear our crosses willing and trust in Him. Mankind is made in the image of God and this is the only way one can attain happiness. It is pointless to think that bringing in things such as same sex marriage will make things any better. Problems that gay people may have with their sexuality is just another cross they have to accept. If one wishes to live a happy life you do not have any other choice but to accept your cross and trust in Jesus.
J. A. Fullerton
So you want to find contentment in life
And you want to minimize all suffering and strife
There is no other way it can be done
Than to take up your cross and follow God's Son.
Many, many others have had their say
But I can tell you there is no other way
All other things that people do
Will fade away because they're not true.
As in Russia where the Russian sword did bend
There was no truth, let's not pretend
And all of communism will never last
It's almost gone a thing of the past.
So take up your cross and follow God's church
Then you will never be left in the lurch
Take the steep and narrow road
Accept your cross accept your load.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Blue Army of Our Lady

The blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima, now mostly known as the World Apostolate of Fatima is an international association of Christian faithful that has as its general purpose "the promotion of the authentic teachings of the Catholic Church, personal sanctification through faithful adherence to the Message of Fatima and the promotion of the common good by spreading the message of Fatima. The blue army was founded in 1947 and spread rapidly around the world. The Decree of Erection of the World Apostolate was signed on 7 October (the Feast of the Holy Rosary), 2005. On 3 February 2006, it held and official ceremony for the consignment of the decree and the approval of its statutes at the Pontifical Council for the Laity in Rome.
Membership of the blue army is through making a pledge promising:
  • To offer up every day the sacrifices demanded by one's daily duty to the faithful observance of God's law.
  • To say five decades of the Rosary.
  • To wear the brown scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
  • On the first Saturday of five consecutive months, with the intention of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, confess and receive Holy Communion.

J. A. Fulllerton 

Prayer and penance are a greater force
Than tanks and bullets you know of course
This special message was revealed to all
At Fatima before Russia has its fall 

Our Heavenly Mother brought this message from God
So use this message as your rule and rod
And pray the Rosary for peace in the world
And offer up your sufferings so missiles won't be hurled.

The blue army of Our Lady has victory in sight
For it is governed by God and all His might
So raise your banner for you are not alone
Christ the King on earth has ascended His throne.

Friday, October 02, 2015


October 1 is the feast day of Saint Therese of the Holy Face. Today people complain about every little detail in their lives. Saint Therese  welcomed her sufferings and she had many and looked  upon them as a blessing for she realized just how much Our Blessed Lord had suffered for us. She died at the tender age of 24. The way the world is today, if you live in a world free from war, have your stomach full and a roof over your head you really can't complain.

Jesus who in thy bitter passion didst become the reproach of men and the man of sorrows, I venerate thy holy face on which shone the beauty and gentleness of divinity. In those disfigured features I recognize thine infinite love and I long to love thee and make thee loved. May I behold thy glorious face in heaven.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Heart of Jesus I adore thee, Heart of Mary I implore thee, Heart of Joseph pure and just, in these three hearts I place my trust.
When on earth Our Blessed Lord said many things. One thing that came through more than anything else was that He has our interests at heart and He wants us to believe in Him. If we don't obey His laws and trust in Him He is unable to help us. In the end it is the choice between the power of good and the power of evil. The spirit of God helps us and the power of evil will eventually destroy us if we let it. The world is far to complex to go it alone. We need to place our trust in Our Blessed Lord.
J. A. Fullerton

How am I to pay all the bills?
I need to take a few more pills
Things at work aren’t real good
I won’t lose my job will I? - ‘knock on wood.’
School fees are going up all the time
I think I need a bit more wine
And there is so much today
To lead my son and daughter astray
The price of everything is rising
I can’t cope, it’s not surprising
But only if we could recall
The words Our Blessed Lord did say
When He preached down here on earth one day
“The birds of the air your Heavenly Father feeds
And your Heavenly Father too knows your needs”
So have faith in your heavenly Father above
And just send Him all your love.